Rules & Regulations:
- Using mobile phone inside the college campus is strictly prohibited. One who violates the rule is liable to pay a fine of Rs. 500/-.
- College uniform is compulsory for every working day. Students without uniform will not be allowed to enter the college campus.
- Smoking, spitting, throwing waste indecently, destroying college property, making noise and loitering in the campus may lead to pecuniary fine or expulsion from the college or both.
- All forms of ragging in the college or in the Hostel are strictly prohibited. Strong disciplinary action will be taken against those involved in such activities.
- The Identity Card should be brought to the college every day and is to be produced whenever asked for.
Attendance Rules
- Attendance in class is compulsory
- Students failing to attend at least 75% of the classes in each subject will forfeit the benefits of scholarship and other facilities (e.g. contesting in college election etc.). He/She will not even be allowed to sit for any final examinations.
- Names of the students who fail to attend their classes for first 15 days will be struck off from the Major course.
Library Rules
- Two 'Library Cards' are issued to the students of both H.S. and Degree students for transaction of books from Central Library. Students with Major in any subject are allowed one Additional Card. Besides, the Library Committee of Tihu College has the right to issue more cards to meritorious and deserving students.
- In no case a student can keep a book for more than 15 days from the date of issue. The books may be reissued for another 15 days in consultation with the Librarian.
- If he/ she does not return the book within 15 days a fine of Re.1/- (one) per day upto 15 days and Rs. 2 (two) per day thereafter will be imposed.
Hostel Rules
- All hostel boarders are required to maintain hostel rules strictly. A copy of 'Hostel
Rules' will be provided to each boarder at the time of Hostel Admission.
- A boarder indulged in ragging, damaging hostel property or violating hostel rules is liable to be expelled from the hostel as well as from the college.
- Hostel remains closed during summer/winter and puja vacations.
- Hostel boarders are required to keep their rooms tidy, neat and clean and observe proper methods of disposal of garbage.
- Outstation leave will be granted only on production of an application by the boarder which is duly signed by the parents or local guardian.
Election Rules of TCSU
The election of Tihu College Students' Union (TCSU) is held as per guidelines of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, dated 22-09-2006. The important guidelines are as follows:
- Undergraduate students between the ages of 17 and 22, only can contest the election.
- The candidates should in no event have any academic arrears in the year of contesting the election.
- The candidates should have the minimum percentage of attendance in classes as prescribed by the university or 75% attendance, whichever is higher.
- A candidate shall have only one opportunity to contest for the post of office bearer
- The candidates shall not have any previous criminal record. Besides, the candidates shall not be subject to any disciplinary action by the College Authority.
- The candidates must be a regular full-time student of the college..
- The election rules will be announced by an Election Officer, appointed by the Principal to conduct the TCSU election. Every year the election is held on the date mentioned in the Academic Calendar.
- Student voters are required to produce their Identity Cards while casting their votes.
- The elected members must obey the constitution of Tihu College Students' Union.
- All students must appear in all the examinations conducted by the college during an academic year.
- Any student who is unwell may be permitted to avail of the sick room facility during an examination.
- A student not appearing in any subject of internal examinations shall be declared to have secured 'Zero', which will be entered in the marksheet of Internal Assessment. Internal Assessment is compulsory for Degree students.
- Internal examinations are conducted by an Internal Examination Board and the decision of the Board regarding examination shall be final.